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A Date with the Destiny...

Scene 1:
Place:AOT (If you thought it is Ardent Orthorhombic Trans-theta or something similar in are fit to be in IIT..But AOT stands for Arun's Own Theatre in our lingo..)
Time:A very very apt time for sleep..Well, a heavy lunch and the slight drizzle in the afternoon are to blame....
Event Description:
Beep! Beep!.With sleep still refusing to go out of my eyes,I searched for the the mobile phone.After two minutes of frantic searching for the phone,which would have put even the best CBI raid to shame,I succeeded in getting it out of my pillow.Now Who is this ?The familiar question which haunts most of the mobile phone owners,flashed in my mind too.
Scene 2:
Place:IIT Gajendra Circle..(No..You are wrong..This place is not named after Captain Vijaykanth's latest movie)...
Time:A couple of minutes after the first scene..(Atleast I thought it was a couple.But you know guys,keeping correct time is one bad habit i have always steered clear of...)
Event Description:
As I was cycling towards GC,my mind was racing ahead.There is a saying "Anticipation is Sweet.When you are sure of the outcome".Even as I was appreciating the truth in the above statement,there were other thought trains running around too.I was wondering at the logic in God's Creation which always seems to get it wrong..I mean,whats the point in creating a beautiful place like IIT and gifting it to people who use eyes only as a status indicator to the activity in their brain.something like ...
  • Closed Eyes-Sleeping or thinking brain.
  • Staring Eyes-Thinking or Deep thinking.
  • Open Eyes - Something Seriously wrong with the brain..gotta see the doc.
I wonder if they really have such a status chart programmed in themselves.My mind was chugging out a lot of philosophical thoughts(Yes..thats what i call them.C'mon!! this is my blog and I'm allowed that liberty) like these,when I reached the GC.Okay people,I think the suspense is enough and so lemme break it.My friend has called up earlier in the day and said she would come to IIT.Im right now scanning for her and there i found her sitting near her parked scooty.The three of us(mind you.she brought in her friend also!!) went to the coffee parlour,and had a nice talk over the coffee.I wanted to talk a lot to her,but ended up talking a lot with her friend.(Im very good in kadalaiyin...FYI).But still the silent moments together,the cool breeze and the drizzle made it one memorable occasion,more special because of her.I guess she too must have felt so,coz i know we think alike.(Jeez...its uncomfortable to know that some one can read you so well.;-))

Then it was time to leave,another friend at IIT (Eppadithan avanukku mookula verthatho????)was waiting for me,and she had her mother calling her.She said 'twas nice meeting you.And then only it stuck me..We were meeting for the first time and ..We dint even bother to introduce ourselves!!!!...And that my friends, is the abnormal story where in two people entirely unrelated,came together to forge a friendship,because of what is known as one's DESTINY..
